Hooray for Captain Spaulding

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

When Archies Collide: The Archie of today meets the Archie of the 40's in the July Archie Digest.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How Folks Did Stuff in the Olden Days Dept.: I was listening to an episode of Fibber McGee and Molly from Election Day 1940. Rather than the show being preempted for election updates, the character of McGee would just say "Hey, let's tune into NBC and see how the election is going". Some news would be broadcast and back to the show.

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Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock!

Little did I know when researching this album that it's part of a larger genre.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Via Reason, a DNC inadvertently provides a good reason to vote for Fred Thompson:
Thompson Consistently Voted Against Ethanol Subsidies[...] In 1999, Thompson was one of only 13 senators to vote to establish a school voucher system, paid for by eliminating certain subsidies for ethanol, oil, gas and sugar
Whatever your thoughts are about school vouchers, he was willing to take on the corn and sugar lobbies.

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Via Treacher, Cracked presents The 13 Most Ridiculous TV Shows to Ever Get Green-Lit:
  1. Guess which show I own a bootleg DVD set of!
  2. Guess which show I met the star of
  3. As I noted before, arguably one of the reasons the sitcom genre is near death is that they stopped doing silly-premise sitcoms and just had shows set in living rooms/offices with people insulting each other.
  4. If you're including the late-80's era of syndications, how do you list Out of this World and not Small Wonder?

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